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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

How to train to achieve proper running technique.

Nowadays, there are many health running activities. Which is a result of people of all ages turning to take care of their health or exercise more. In particular, they have decided to choose running as their main activity to make their body work harder, thinking

Is it dangerous to take too much dietary supplement? 

The body needs vitamins to transform food into energy, but it only needs a small amount of vitamins. However, people these days eat vitamins and dietary supplement like they’re not aware of whether they lack vitamins or not, but they eat them anyway because someone recommend

How to stop Anxiety Disorders.

There are many types of anxiety disorders that we know of. One of them is panic disorder , which causes the heart to tremble, rapid breathing, and a rapid heartbeat. These symptoms will increase in severity until you cannot control yourself. People with this disease